Relying on an especially clear mind for your decision making, enables you to focus your full attention on important choices and concentrate on any tough problems you face. Fortunately, the chances are that you find practical solutions. Focus on personal issues, inform the people you trust the most of your plans, and receive invaluable advice they offer.
Second Decanate June 1st to June 11 More restraintWith frazzled nerves on edge, you’re inexplicably keen to communicate your ideas and inclined to put forward your point of view too forcefully, which is construed as self-catered, egotistic conduct. Instead make a concerted effort to show sensitivity and respect, listen to what others say, you’re far more likely to feel less anxious and appreciated again.
Third Decanate June 12 to June 21 Unsettled phaseYour friends and your work colleagues find you irritating and are easily provoked by your attempts at being aggressive. All this stems from the inner turmoil you feel but don't be too disappointed if some things go wrong, instead put off big plans until you regain your equilibrium and trust in the positive influence of your partner or someone close to you.